About Us

Establishment of CCI

After more than a decade of interpreting experience, Rose established Coman Certified Interpreting, LLC in 2014.


Rose Coman is a CORE CERTIFICATION HEALTHCARE INTERPRETER™ professional and a nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter. She received a BA from the University of South Florida in interpreter training and a M.Ed. from Northeastern University in Interpreter Pedagogy.


Rose has interpreted and taught American Sign Language/Interpreter education in both Florida and Georgia since 2001. She is currently a full-time freelance interpreter primarily working in legal, medical, post-secondary education and employment.

Rose is passionate about the Deaf community, American Sign Language, and the quality of interpreting services the Deaf community receives. She served on the Georgia American Sign Language Teacher’s Association (GA-ASLTA) committee as the treasurer and then secretary from 2005 – 2007 and 2007 to 2010, respectively. She also was the GA-ASLTA representative for the ASL legislative initiative leading to ASL being recognized as a foreign language.


When Rose isn’t working, she enjoys volunteering in the community, mentoring interpreting interns and spending time with her family.